Scrap fabric therapy
If there’s one thing sewists have in common, it’s that we LOVE FABRIC!
Fabric speaks to us and ignites creativity and inspiration.
We really just can’t get enough of the stuff, and, yes, sometimes we end up with way too much of it. It’s so easy to fall in love with some unique or gorgeous fabric knowing we’ll use it eventually.
Unless we don’t. But, it sure looks pretty in our fabric stash collection!
Even if we do use the fabric on hand for a particular project, it’s a sure thing there will be leftover scraps. Most of us can’t bring ourselves to throw out even the smallest scraps knowing (hoping?) we’ll use them for something eventually.
Ok, my turn.
I found myself needing a break from thinking and planning, and just wanted to sit down and sew. As such, I embarked on a ‘quilt-as-you-go’ project. There is something strangely satisfying about merging fabrics of a similar palette, and putting them together in a random fashion.
Gorgeous fabrics
This particular grouping is leftover from my Cabernet quilted cushion collection.
‘Quilt-as-you-go’, is the fairly unplanned merging of small scrap fabric into larger, useable blocks of fabric. It can be freeing, but takes patience and the ability to let go of strict quilting precision. Let’s face it, it is only fabric and seam sewing, so go for it. Worse comes to worse, there is always a seam ripper to undo a not-so-great decision.
This soft pink, rose, burgundy palette is super pretty.
What shall I turn it into?
Re: Free Motion quilting
Free motion quilting takes practice and patience. A few things to keep in mind that have helped me in my practice.
take your time, take breaks, and take deep relaxing breaths between starts and stops.
completely release your foot from the pedal to allow the needle to come to a complete stop.
when you start a new section, allow your needle a couple of pulses up and down before moving anywhere to avoid jumps.
try to look ahead to see where you want to go.
Hmmmm…., pinks, rose tones…, end of a bitter cold January…, I’m thinking…
Although the heart shape is most commonly associated with Valentine’s Day, in more recent times it has become associated with messages of unity, encouragement, thanks, and solidarity. Blame, or thank the emoji revolution, the heart is everywhere. So, why not create it out of fabric. Works for me!
As gratitude to the good folks who have subscribed to my Youtube channel, I am offering 25% off these lovely hearts. Simply click the link below and you will be redirected to my Etsy shop. I will be making several more of these hearts over the coming weeks. Order promptly and we’ll try to get one delivered by Valentine’s Day. Alternatively, keep these in mind for someone you are thinking of who could use a word of encouragement, or gratitude, love and friendship, spurring on, or would simply value a handcrafted thing of beauty in their lives.
If you have not yet subscribed, please consider doing so, and thank you for liking and sharing my videos all about sewing, quilting, creating and making. I am sincerely grateful.